
Overview of all chat statistics

Statistics can provide a lot of useful information about the current status of your company or website.

All your customers on a world map

Probably the most important function of our Live Chat to know where your customers are from!

Our software tries to determine where your customer comes from. The map shows essential information such as country, city and GPS coordinates

Team statistics

Full control over each operator’s statistics, how long the chat has lasted in general, and its overall rating.

Each operator has its own details and with all feedback ratings that the customer has given.

Page statistics

Easily find the most visited pages on your website. Important to find out where you can proactively use your chat.

In combination with auto proactive chat a very important tool for your Live support chat.


Filter by department or view them all. The built-in filter shows how each department performs!

Also with the built-in permissions you can give your operator full access, give half or no access to certain functions


Know how many messages, customers, visitors and the total chat time summarized in your dashboard.

Do not worry, there is no limit to use as much as you want!