
Live Chat works on all systems

all SocialBoost functions in a row!
Countries, feedback, number of visitors and much more.
Geo locations
From which countries do your visitors come from?
No limit for chats, operators and departments.
Chat widget
Easy to adjust in your own style
Mark messages
Retrieve important messages that you have marked
Live Chat can send notifications to your email, desktop or SMS
Receive feedback and ratings after the chat session has ended
Create simple notes during or after the chat conversation
Office hours
Enter your office hours so that the chat is always available at those hours
Operator or customer can use emoticons! This makes chatting even more fun
Our Live Chat is ssl secured but your data is also protected.
Slim zoeken
Zoek tijdens het gesprek of in andere conversaties om eerdere gesprekken terug te lezen
Blokkeer vervelende klanten op Ip adres of email
Chat bot
Voordat je online gaat kan de Chat bot het gesprek alvast voor je voeren
Online status
Iedere operator kan zijn status op online, bezig of op offline zetten
Add your own FAQ so that the operators do not have to leave their dashboard
Add different departments from which a customer can choose when he / she starts a chat session
Pro actief chat
Live Chat can send an automatic invitation when a customer surfs on a specific page
Install Chat widget
With our simple installation wizard, your Chat Widget is easy to install
You have full control over the settings such as images, documents and sound
Multi language
Our Live Chat is available in 15 different languages
For each message you can choose a sound or upload your own sound
Share Files
Easily share documents and images. All file types are allowed
Mobile app
SocialBoost live chat is available for IOS and Android